Thursday, March 18, 2010


So, since I am a giver, I have decided to help out the few (perhaps very few) people who actually read my blog.

There is a wonderful website to help frum jews break their internet addictions.

In all honesty, a few months ago, a girl I used to talk to got involved with the website and told me about it, and BH, she doesn't talk to me anymore. BH, not because I didn't like her, but BH because she has tried to overcome her problem.

I signed up for the daily emails, but I have never checked it.

Then yesterday, the girl that I wrote about in a previous blog, the one who is married that I thought I had feelings for told me about the website too.

So, it is getting filtered out to the masses.

The operators of the site are very smart. There are men's forums and women's forums. BUT, apparently, men cannot see the women's forum. However, I have no idea how they know since I didn't sign up and it still took me only to the men's forum. Perhaps, that is their default since they realize that most guys will be trolling for girls.

I give the website a lot of credit for trying to stem the problem.

But I give even more credit to the strong, holy men and women who turn to that website for help. It is difficult to do.

They inspire me

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