Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why am I here?

That's a very philosophical and deep question for this late at night.

I'm not sure why I'm here actually. I had a blog a few years ago, with a few devoted followers, but since I did not contribute thoughts to other blogs, my blog remained fairly unknown.

However, it was therapeutic for me.

As background, I am frum, single professional in my late 20s. I learn every night and give dvar torahs, and shiurim.

I enjoy being frum. It is the right path for me.

However, lately, I have been getting dejected.

My emunah has taken a hit.

I haven't been perfect, but I'm been a relatively "good boy" and I'm proud of that, but I feel like I'm missing out.

A friend told me about this old song that I liked with the title, "I was so much older then...I'm younger than that now."

That is how I feel about my frumkeit.

A friend I met inspired me to maybe start sharing my thoughts, experiences and feelings with the public...and I hope to help some people along the way, and to make people laugh....and even think (Chas Veshalom)

But I also want to be true to myself and reflect who I really am. This friend who inspired me is very misunderstood, partly of her own doing.

People think that she is one way, but she is exactly the opposite. She is sweet, caring, self-aware, sincerely frum who is just struggling with who she is, and who she wants to be. But she still has amazing bitachon.

Thankfully, I take the time to see who she is...that is how I want to portray myself here...as the simplistic, complicated, intense, laid back, funny, serious human being and Jew that I am...that we all are.

Thank you for reading. I hope you stick around for the ride

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